Art, Music and T-shirts!

Hello my friends,

I’m beginning to sell my art prints, t-shirts and music through my website and I’ve started an Instagram account to promote and display some of the designs. You can follow me here:


Keep it greasy,


NAMM 2015 and other non-such

Happy New Year fellow mutants!

I’ve updated this month’s live itinerary and have been working hard on getting some t-shirts made which you’ll be able to purchase soon. They’re either exactly what you’re expecting or the exact opposite – in either case your purchase keeps me fed and I appreciate it. Music on the way as well and hopefully some live video from our cosy new house gig at Gallagher’s in Hamilton. Don’t be a stranger!

In other news, I’ll be attending the 2015 NAMM show in Anaheim California. If you’re going to be attending by all means drop me a line through the site and let’s see about hooking up while in town. Think that about covers it.

Be well.


Levy’s Strap Contest

Hey gang,

If you’ve got a second please check out my entry into the Levy’s Contest –  clicking ‘like’ on my photos could land me in an issue of Guitar World Magazine.

New photos from Carey Langsner

Chris-Chambers-2 Chris-Chambers-4 Chris-Chambers-5 Chris-Chambers-6 Chris-Chambers-7 Chris-Chambers-8

New photos from Bob Hatcher.






Rock on, gang!

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You can find me on Rdio!


Still going…

Thanks for a busy and fun summer, gang! Here’s a few shots from Ribfest today – more to come.




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Ribbed for your pleasure

StageplotHey gang, mark your calendar’s as I’ll be back in Burlington for ‘Canada’s Largest Ribfest’ this Labour Day.

Details at their website:


Be well,


Look it’s me…on the TV

A few weeks ago I got to shoot a TV thing with some friends of mine. You can check out here. (Oscar buzz)


Free download

Never Say What You Mean

Rest of the album here.

      1. 09-Never-Say-What-You-Mean