The Michael A.M. Radio show

Mike Myszkowski had me on his podcast a few weeks ago, you can listen to it here!

Guest DJ on 93.3 CFMU

Hi folks,

Last week I guested on Alysha Main’s radio show where we discussed music and she played some stuff from my catalogue along with an interesting cross-section of music I love listening to, if you’d like to hear the conversation and the music you can check it out here:

New music!

Hello friends,
I’ve released a new song and accompanying video you can view here:

Or listen to here: 


Let’s Shake!

Hello people,
My pal Jamie Petrie invited me to be on his new web-series shot at Junction Studios. Next month I’ll be playing at ‘Let’s Shake’ – a charity benefit put on by Jamie and his wife Kim to battle Parkinson’s disease. There is a link to the website where you can get tickets as well as a link to Junction Studios.




Hi friends, I’ve posted a new video from a few days ago on my YouTube page should you be interested.



Paris Surf

Hi friends,
Here’s a short compilation of a performance from a few weeks ago at Paris Surf featuring some original music as well as some covers.

Food and Drink Fest

Hi friends,

My group will be returning to perform at the Hamilton Food and Drink Fest this year. If you’re planning on attending you can use this coupon code.

Podcast w/ Tyler Summers

My old pal Tyler Summers has been visiting the last few days and asked me to be a part of his Podcast. You can listen to it on his website or on iTunes.


Also, the ‘live’ section of my website has been updated for the month so please have a look.



Saturday August 4th

Hi friends,

This Saturday I’ll be doing a clinic/pedal demo for Earthquaker Devices at Long and McQuade in Hamilton at 12pm. Come check out some neato pedals. Following that I’ll be on at 7pm for the Lynn River Music Festival in Simcoe with my trio.

New Music

Hi friends,

I’ve released a new song. You can listen to it here.
