Festival of Friends
2023 and Me
Hello friends and debtors,
The ‘Live’ and ‘Writing’ section of the site has been updated for those interested in the latest ways to run out the clock. Hope to see most of you soon, the others can stay home.
Fall Fashion
Hello people of Earth etc,
Among other things you can catch my trio every other Tuesday @ Roc n Doc’s in Port Credit, 7pm. Similarly, I’ve begun alternating Wednesday evenings @ The Judge in Hamilton, 9pm.
Festival of Friends & July
I’ve updated the live section for the very busy month of July, which includes the Festival of Friends in Hamilton.
See you soon
Festival Season
The beat goes on.
Hi folks,
I’ve updated the ‘live‘ section of my website for those looking to attend a performance. For those looking to book you can still get in touch via email chris@chris-chambers.com
So there.
The summer wind, came blowing in…
Hello folks,
I’m now taking summer bookings for private outdoor events in accordance with government regulations, contact by clicking the link or photos below.